We waited in line 27 minutes for frozen yogurt at Yogurtland last night. I wish I could say it wasn't worth, it but it was. It really was. Plain tangy yogurt with fresh raspberries, strawberries, kiwi and blackberries. Delicious.
The only thing better than that might be the margarita pop cycles that a friend told me about. You make your favorite margarita mix and pour it into small dixie cups with a stick or a pop mold and later you have an adult frozen treat to enjoy on a hot evening.
I finally got my yellow lab trained to run out to the mailbox, get the newspaper out of the paper box and bring it back into the house to me and then go back out for the second paper. While it's a great trick during the summer, it's an amazing trick when it is 10 degrees and snowing!!! Yep!! The good news is that she loves doing her job. She sits by the front door in the morning until I let her out to fetch it. I love it even more than she does especially when it's raining or snowing.
We leave in 3 weeks to bring our youngest to college. I want to cry just thinking about it. Tears of joy over how wonderful it will be for her and tears of sadness that my day to day job will be forever over. After 27 years of being on "Mom Duty" 24/7 my job will be over. Yes, I'll still be a mom and be there to help, love and support them but the house will be empty and far far to quiet. I remember thinking when they were little that the day to day exhaustion and mess was never going to end and wishing that I could just go to the bathroom without someone knocking on the door asking me a question. Now I got that wish. While I'm really excited for what the next stage will be, I'm really sad that this wonderful stage is over. My husband doesn't quite get it but he wouldn't because this wasn't his life all day everyday. He does understand that it's hard for me. I just hope that I don't completely embarrass myself on the plane flying home by sobbing out loud or screaming if I see a mouse. I've got to remember to pack some tissues though!!
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The next 2 days I'll have posts on how to get your student ready to head off to college. Stop in and get the list!
yes, I am in that wishful state right now with a demanding 2 year old. Thank you for fastforwarding and reminding me that this is only for a short while and then she will grow up and move away. I will try to keep that in mind when I'm pulling my hair out due to stress :)
Eeewww! I'm not sure if I would have wanted to see that news report...uh...or maybe I should have but won't be very comfortable with flying again. Eeek!
I love plain frozen yogurt with berries! Mmmmm! So yummy! And, margarita popsicles?!!! What a great idea! I may have to try that!
That is soooo awesome that your dog can do that!
Good luck with this newest transition of your youngest leaving for college. I know it can't be easy.
Oh yuk..I hate bugs and stuff..
Get used to and take advantage of all that quiet time while you can..it goes fast..before you know it they are done school and married with babies..then it gets loud again but in a good way cause you can send them home..
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