Here's the post from Holly our 12 month old lab mix.
1.) Your pet wants to guest post on your blog.
Dear Family,
It's almost January first and I have been giving lots of thought to my New Year's resolutions for 2010 and here they are:
- I'll do my best to quit smoking cigars.

- I'll bring my fetch items back to you if you throw them for me.
- I will play in the snow as often as possible.
- I'll try my hardest NOT to chew up any shoes.
Hope we have a great year! Love, Holly
Prompt #4. ) Write a letter to someone you received poor customer service from. (inspired by Lynsey from Sassy & Southern)
Dear computer customer service lady,
After half an hour on the phone with you and you not being able to help me, I have a few questions for you that I would like answered.
- Why did you pretend to know how to solve my problem when it was obvious that I knew more than you did and we both knew you didn't have a chance at helping me?
- When I was overly polite to you, OK perhaps a bit sarcastic after the first 15 minutes, why did you get very condescending and treat me like I was an idiot, especially when you were the one without a clue?
- When you obviously had no clue about how to solve my problem, why did you refuse over 20 times, to pass me off to someone who could actually help me?
- Why did you continue to ask me questions that you didn't even know the correct answer to?
- Why is it that after 30 minutes of dealing with you, in frustration, I hung up, called back and got a different customer service rep. who immediately, within 3 minutes, could see that I needed more help than they could give me and passed me off to a higher level of technical support who, by the way, solved my issue in under 5 minutes??????????????????????!!!!!
A very unhappy customer
PS. Thank you so much for graciously giving me your name and id number at the beginning of our phone call. I later used the information to report your hideous service.
Here are the rest of this weeks Prompts:
1.) Your pet wants to guest post on your blog.
(inspired by Matthew at Child’s Play x2)
2.) You wake up one day with an unusual super power that seems pretty worthless—until you are caught in a situation that requires that specific “talent.”
(inspired by Writer’s Digest)
3.) Write about a speech you gave at a wedding.
4.) Write a letter to someone you received poor customer service from.
(inspired by Lynsey from Sassy & Southern)
5.) This time I really MEAN it! It’s time to list your New Year’s resolutions for 2010.
(inspired by Margaret from Nanny Goats In Panties)
Head over and pick a prompt to write about and link up!
I never remember to write down the name and ID of a customer service rep...and by the time I'm frustrated enough to send complaints about them, I can't identify the source of my frustration! Ugh!
Just dropping by to wish you a very Happy and Healthy New Year! Your dog's resolutions are pawsome!!
Your doggie is so cute! Happy New Year!
I love your puppy letter! But why would your doggie want to give up cigars? :)
Hope you have a Happy New Year!
- Margaret
That costume is hysterical!
I hope you have an awesome 2010!
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