If you haven't done a Random Tuesday post yet, you should and this is the time to start. Head on over to The Unmom and link up a random post today!
I can't even begin to tell you how wonderful it was to have all my kids home at the same time. It sounds strange but I don't realize how much I miss them until they get home. I sure wish the older ones lived closer. We had a blast hanging out and playing games. Mike, the fiancé, is a perfect fit not only for my daughter but for our family. God answered a lifetime of prayers in one amazing man!
We also got to meet Mike's parents. They came into town for a couple of days and stayed with us. It was such a fun time. We played games and just got to get to know each other. It's an interesting thing meeting people who will be playing such an integral part of your child's life, for the rest of their life. After meeting them, she's going to be in great hands.
The Olympics start in something like 36 days. I love the Olympics!!! I love the opening and closing ceremonies and all the different events. I must admit that I loke the winter Olympics much more than the summer ones. My older kids are going to run up to Vancouver and try to see a few events. Yep, I'm a little green over that!
I am going to have a nice slow start to the year. Because the wedding in is April, I said NO to every single thing for this spring and because they are doing almost all fo the planning themselves, I have some free time. I got a few new knitting books and some new yarn and am planning on doing a lot of knitting. I got the Magnificent Mittens & Socks book and am having so much fun. I'm knitting up a pair in Black and Hot Pink with some teal in the cuff. I'm on the second thumb and it's going pretty fast. I chose a really hard design but the mittens are really easy. You knit them from the top down eastern European style. Much faster and better than cuff up.
I'm thinking of holding some knitting classes for all my friends who don't kow how to knit. Anyone interested?
I've got to run and stage a house. I've missed everyone and can't wait to get all caught up on your blogs this week.
A shout out to my niece, Jenny! Love you!
Miss you and I am interested!!
The Olympics sound really cool this year.
Have a great Random Tuesday.
I am really interested in the mittens..just not knitting them. ;)
Ooh! My Canadian husband will be SO jealous about the Olympics. We spent five years living on Vancouver Island. Beautiful!
I'm very interested in learning how to knit!! Meeting the significant other is WILD, isn't it? I'm so glad you enjoyed the holidays with the kids!
Ooh, the mittens are beautiful!
Everyone is starting new knitting projects this month. I'm so jealous. I still haven't tried it. I may get the sewing machine out again.
Awwwwww congrats to your daughter fixing a date! Seems like you guys had a great Holiday season!
Happy Tuesday and here's my Randomness!!
Love your great words about Mike. What a great perspective to have from your in-laws.
I love to knit!! Would love to have an easy easy project!!!
You are so very VERy I can't tell you how lucky you are that you love the fiance!!!
I am so interested in your knitting class. I have tried several times and I just can't do it. I use the round loom and that is easy for me :)
My email address is dgm1930@gmail.com if you need to contact me!
Happy New Year!!
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