I was in Target with one of my funny friends. You know the kind of person who says funny things off the cuff without having to think about it, that kind of friend. Anyway, we were walking past the Junior section and there they were, lace leggings. They were on a rack with a lace tank top. Gina without even thinking says,"Those are whorrible with an emphasis on the Ho". I have to agree. Who would wear those? Even under a short skirt they would just look trashy. The tank you could get away with but not lace leggings.

There was a great lightning storm last night without any rain so I got my camera out to take some shots.

One of my son's friends says it looks like a bear. I just thought it was a cool lightning bolt. Looks like a got a bear bolt.
We are getting ready to go to Parent Weekend next weekend. I'm looking forward to it. We got an out of the blue phone call asking if we'd like to join the president of the university in his box for the football game on Saturday. Being the trusting person I am, NOT, I immediately thought, How much is this going to cost me? By asking a few more questions I found out that they invite parents to every game chosen at random and since we are one of the very few out of state families coming in for the weekend, they asked us. It should be fun! Football and free food what's not to love. I need to brush up on my players and info about their team.
We drove up to the mountains to see the leaves today. They are gorgeous this year. So many different colors of gold not just yellow. God is a wonderful creator of beauty!!

Hey, would you please take the time to do 2 things.
I could really use your votes for the Pillsbury Crescent Contest.
Click the button at the top of the page and vote for the Zippy Chicken Packets! Thanks!!!
and then head on over to Keely for some more randomness.

the football game sounds FUN! we have been voting for your yummy recipe! yay!!
Hot wardrobe tip - DO NOT wear the lace leggings to the football game! You know you were going to!
What gorgeous photography!
Thanks so much for stopping by to say hello!
What gorgeous photography!
Thanks so much for stopping by to say hello!
I followed you over from Jan's Sushi Bar. BEAUTIFUL photos! I miss the lightning storms from the south. :( Thanks for the bright spot!
That's a perfect word to describe many of the clothes these days..."whorible".
What an awesome shot you got of the lightening!
Wow...the leaves are very colorful this year. I was in Colorado last year and I saw yellow ones like that from the plane but never saw any that bright when I was traveling around in my rental car. I did see bright pink ones though. So pretty!
I will try again to vote. I tried before but it wanted so much personal information. Good luck! I hope you win! :-D
I like your friend's comment - horrible with emphasis on the Ho"...priceless!
AMAZING shots you got!
Free food and football in the president's box...sweet!
I'm off to cast my vote for you! ;)
RTT: Summer's End, Winemaking and Barf
Wow! That lightening photo is simply amazing!
Thanks for visiting my blog - we seem to have a lot in common. To answer your question,the lens I used for the photos on my RTT post is a Nikkor 60mm AF-5 Micro, and hands down my favorite lens.
I voted for you, btw.
Those colours are beautiful. Ours haven't really started changing yet, and when they do they're usually decimated by heavy rains before you can really enjoy them.
i love the picture of the lightning bolt! but i'm not seeing the bear....in answer to your question, i am reading Imperial Life in the Emerald City. its about life in Iraq's Green Zone. so the way he writes is very helpful because if i didn't know the point of of the history he was giving me, i wouldn't take any of it in. (as it is, i only take in about 75%)
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