I saw weird food commercials this week. The first was for dinner ideas using Chunky Soup. Dinner in 4 minutes- Make a plate of instant mashed potatoes, heat a can of chunky Sirloin Burger Soup and dump it over the top for a fast dinner. Gross. I hate instant potatoes and a can of soup over that just makes me gag. I guess they have lots of ideas, soup over rice, soup over noodles. Just doesn't sound good to me. I want my soup in a bowl for lunch. Dinner soup must be homemade!
Another commercial this week prompted me to ask, "What's with stupid food names?" Ad agencies need to quick thinking they're so clever when they aren't. Someone actually thought that a product called Anytizers was a cool idea. Really??? While they were at it they decided that Quesadillas should be called Quesadippers. I like Quesadillas and their Quesadippers look good but I won't be buying them, just on principle.
Speaking of commercials, my favorite commercials of the year are this Sunday during the Super Bowl. I record the game just to be able to watch the commercials. Don't get me wrong. I like watching the game but if I'm going to leave the room during the game, it won't be during the commercials. My favorite are the Budweiser ones with the horses.
I have watched more TV this week because I've been knitting a pair of mittens for one of my girls. I got one done and the other is started. They're really cute! I got the pattern on Ravelry. If you knit or crochet you need Ravelry. Tons of patterns and lots of fun tools to keep track of what you've made, the yarn you've used and notes. Lots of free patterns too!!!!

Your mitten's are sooooo cute! I'm really jealous!
I too absolutely gagged when I saw that soup dinner suggestion.
I don't watch the game but I cook (real food) and watch the commercials.
The soup/dinner thing was--not so appetizing. Although I think I know people who would totally do that. Then again I live in a college town.
Stopping by to catch up & say hi! :)
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