I've really been a more laid back mom this summer. It could be that after 27 years of parenting 24/7, and only 2 months away from having no kids at home, I'm just plain tired or maybe I'm just getting lazy or wait a second- I'm getting old. Either way, I know my daughter appreciates it. For instance, last week the other kids were coming home for a wedding and I asked her to clean up her room. You can't even see the floor in most places and she still hadn't completely unpacked from our trip last month to Greece or her trip to Young Life camp in Canada 2 weeks ago. She ran up to clean it and was back in about 20 minutes. This was at least a 3 hour job so, I asked her if she'd done what she did when she was 12 and thrown everything into her closet. She said, "Oh no, I didn't do the 12 year old version of cleaning, I did the 18 year old version. I threw everything back into my suitcases and closed them up." Normally, I'd have gotten mad and told her to get her butt back upstairs and not to come down until she'd really cleaned up her room. Instead I laughed and told her that it was very creative job. WTH is the matter with me. That was such a slacker reaction. I really must be tired.
We've had so many baby animals and birds around our house this year. We've got 3 baby bunnies in our front bushes and then we've had 3 nests on our front & side door wreaths. The first house finch pair had 3 chicks in a nest on the door that opens into the house. This pair has nested there for the last 3 years and they are getting very tame and used to us opening and closing the door. Even so, I can't tell you how unnerving it is to open the door and have a mama bird staring at you 6 inches from your face. She amazingly never flew out of the nest and into the house. She'd just sit on the nest until you closed the door. Another pair of finches was on our side door wreath and had 3 chicks as well. The second nest of birds on the non-opening front door is a nest of Say's Phoebes. We've never had this bird before. She built this adorable LITTLE nest on the other wreath and laid her 5 tiny eggs, which all hatched, and now, 10 days later, the chicks are overflowing and stacked like sardines in this little nest.
I've been so worried that one was going to accidentally fall out that I've laid thick towels over the bricks below to cushion any falls. I'm a nerd! They should fly out of the nest today or tomorrow and I'll finally be able to take the spring wreaths off of the doors.
My daughter saw Justin Bieber at Pinkberry on Wednesday. She thought it was a girl who looked like him, until her started signing autographs. He went back later to get more but that time he stayed in his car and made his body guard go in. Pinkberry really is that good!!
Whenever I think that High School musical and Justin Bieber are stupid, I think about Frankie Avalon, Annette Funicello and Elvis Movies. Seriously, Beach Blanket Bingo and Bikini Beach were so much worse.
Have a great Friday!!
I have really slacked off on the room cleaning demands with my youngest (he's 20) too! I'm making more of an effort to appreciate what he does do and praise him without a *but* attached. It would still be nice to have a really clean house again some time but for now I'd prefer to busy-ness and clutter of life!
Look how big those baby birds are getting! If they'd pick up their clothes, their would be more room in the nest. Their mom is probably letting them get away with murder too!
Aw! Those baby birds are adorable!! We had a nest on a shrub in the back yard and I was so excited to watch it from the beginning (egg) and I went out there a few days later and the eggs were gone. Mr. Ski thought I was kidding when I truly thought the mama bird had moved them...apparently birds don't do that. But it's just hard for me to consider what probably happened. :(
Thanks for your comment, looking forward to following your blog as well!
they are cute. At first, I couldn't make them out, lol.
slacking is ok sometimes =) i love the dove pic
I guess I'm really clueless, but I have no idea what Pinkberry is!
Hey, that's how I clean MY room!haha
Awww...it's easy to see why the birds keep coming back to your house; you're so sweet to them.
Thanks for joining in this week!
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