It also occurred to me this week that I am going to be a mother-in-law in 3 1/2 months. I know, I've known about the wedding for months but it just dawned on me about the mother-in-law title- a bit slow on the uptake but I catch on eventually. I hope I'm not going to be a stereotypical one!
I was working on a recipe for Coq au Vin this morning and set off the fire alarm. To show you where my priorities were, I finished photographing the flames for the recipe before calling the alarm company to call off the firemen. Priorities are important! I'll post the recipe soon but admit it, the photo was worth capturing!
When my daughter got engaged, I bowed out of all my spring obligations in case we had lots of wedding stuff to do. The wedding is well under control, she is my daughter after all, and now I have some free time. It's been so long since I had any that I'm not quite sure what to do with myself. I've cleaned almost every single cupboard, my storage room and most of the closets. I should be writing my novel in a month but I just can't seem to get started. I guess I'll figure out what to do next... Tomorrow.
Today, I'm working on a really cute baby sweater for a shower this coming weekend. I love knitting girl stuff. I got the Fan and Lace pattern for the bottom of the sweater done last night and now just have to finish the body.
I finished the hand part of the mittens I've been working on but can't decide on the pattern for the cuff. Once the sweater is done I'll figure out what I want to do.

OH MY GOSH!!!! I really am an old lady- I'm sitting here and talking about my knitting- CRAP!!!
Don't forget to enter to win the Old El Paso Tackle the Taste Giveaway. Only one entry far, so you have a great chance to win. Click Here to enter!
Have your own Random thoughts? Head on over to The Unmom and link up!!! You'll thank me later!
That is so funny! We went to a birthday dinner for a friend of mine and Hank's last night and when asked Hank forgot how old he was. He says he just doesn't count anymore. He is young enough to have a baby and old enough to be a grandfather. Got to love men!!
I can imagine as the wedding thoughts have probably kept you too busy to realize you will be welcoming a new person into the famiy. This is a cool fact as a couple of years ago I was able to do just this.
I know what you mean about the birthdays coming to soon. When I turned 25 I sat and cried all day and now that my next birthday is 40 I laugh when I think about it but think I may just have another good cry at 40 so that I can look back on that and laugh as well
It's ok, I'm 23, and I'm pretty sure I've blogged about my crocheting a few times! LOL
Thanks for stopping by my blog! :D
Happy belated birthday!
I'm 37 and my kids keep telling me I'm old but I don't feel old. I feel like I'm in my 20's. At least my mind does, my body is a whole different story. But anyway, I think age is nothing more than a state of mind. You're only as old as you think you are.
LMAO - you sound like me.
Beloved: Dear, the skillet is...smoking.
Me: Yeah, I know; let me finish framing this shot of the gas jet.
Beloved: Shouldn't you take the skillet off of the stove?
Me: No! Then it won't look right!
NICE shot of the flaming Coq au Vin!
Don't freak out, fifty is not the end of the world. Actually, it's a lot of fun. I'm singing Love Shack this year because I recently hit 52. Plan something extroridinary to celebrate 50. It only happens once. Consider the alternative and celebrate big.
I like your blog. I wish I could knit.
Nice to meet you.
Happy Birthday! I know...50 does sound scary/weird! I'll be 48 this weekend. I feel much younger than that too.
The baby sweater you're knitting looks really pretty.
Thanks for commenting on my post. I wouldn't fret too much about the birthday. My 37th is coming soon so I've got the big 4-0 looming over my head. I have a co-worker who just had her 60th and she's having the best time. She's going to Vegas next month.
You know you're a blogger when you taking a picture of flaming chicken is your first consideration.
Stopping by from the Un Mom…
My step-daughter wanted to start a restaurant called Flambe where everything was served to you in flames— looks like that would be a great dish to add to the menu.
Thank you for your randomness,
Happy Birthday! I'm only two months behind you (but don't tell anybody!). '79 was fine!
I love the flames...but then, I would!
I want a hot pink sweater with the fan and lace pattern!
Oh, and I can't believe how OLD you are! ;)
I think it's hilarious that you took pictures of the flames before you called the fire department! Thanks for following my blog-- now I'm following yours.
Awesome photo! I wish I could knit. I tried and couldn't get past the first sequence. Even when peronally instructed, I couldn't do it!
Your knitting is beautiful, I wish I could knit that good. I made a sweater once, but I could only make my son wear it once. You're not old.
Happy Birthday!!! You look fabulous and fifty is NOT old.
I LOVE that you took a picture of your flaming chicken before calling about the alarm. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha HA! Oh, to be a blogger :)
One of the keys to being a great mother in law is to realize that your new son in law ALSO wants what's best for your daughter. Love him like you love her, because SHE loves him. The way you treat him and speak to her about him in public and in private conversation will very much affect the way she feels toward you in the future. Not that she won't love you if you say something critical about him, but I hope you know what I mean.
I'm tired. I'd better go to bed before I say something crazy!
Hugs to you,
Shhh, you are not old yet. When you can't take care of yourself anymore, then you are old. Plus when you hit 50, you start going backwards in age (at least women can). Happy Belated Birthday!!
Can you come to my house and help me clean?
I went to you Buttercream Lane Blog first and I am a big fan of yours now...I just love sweets. Thanks for stumbling across me.
That picture is awesome! And talk about coincidence, I just took my first knitting class last night--I blogged about it today. I stink. Your knitting looks awesome!
Thanks for visiting my random musings at Sacred Ruminations. It's always good to find a fellow Nikon user. I'm soooo delighted to have mine back all cleaned, adjusted, and like NEW. The reason it only took a week is that rather than drop it off at Ritz Camera and letting them send it off to the shop, I drove to the repair shop directly ... saving transit time for shipping and handling.
I looked at the D90 when I got my D60 but decided 'movies' weren't so important to me (my Casio Exilim takes great video clips of Molly and is very small) while camera weight and size DID matter. I've not been sorry at all.
Happy belated birthday ;-)
As one who is staring at 65 next month, let me assure you that turning 50 is nothing to fear. My friends wanted to wear black that day but I told them I'd have none of that. If they wanted to celebrate with me they could join me in wearing RED ... and that's what we did! I visualized it as a Wise Woman's Ceremony and it was wonderful! Each year just gets better and better ... seriously! Savor it all ;-)
Hugs and blessings,
You're so funny. Happy Birthday, you "almost 50 year old"! Your knitting is amazing. Wish I had your talents:-)
wishing you all fun and success...
loved your thoughts..
I'm just about 36 and I absolutely still feel about 28. I don't know why 28....just younger than 30 for sure!
Happy late birthday!
Happy Belated Birthday! (Age is just a number.)
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